Society Reset Button
A speculative fictional device that displays the state of Society and invites you to reset it. Read more
A speculative fictional device that displays the state of Society and invites you to reset it. Read more
A single-serving site that displays if Artificial General Intelligence has arrived or not. Read more
An speculative fictional fabulation that parodies ubiquitous neural surveillance and data exhaust Read more
An avant-garde poem about Python Read more
AcademicPages is a ready-to-fork GitHub Pages template for academic personal websites, based on structured data in markdown files. I created it for this website, then released it so others can make their own, which are hosted for free by GitHub. Over 500 people have! Read more
A Markov chain Twitter bot trained on titles of Wikipedia articles that have been deleted. Read more
An algorithmically-generated robots.txt, which disallows all bots with one exception: the bot requesting the file is allowed full access. Read more
A Twitter bot powered by tweets proclaiming that something ‘is apparently a thing.’ Read more
One of the many forks of the popular game 1024 by Veewo Studio (which is conceptually similar to Threes by Asher Vollmer). Try to combine all the 0 tiles until they add up to 1. Read more
We introduce IP over Xylophone Players (IPoXP), a novel Internet protocol between two computers using xylophone-based Arduino interfaces. In our implementation, human operators are situated within the lowest layer of the network, transmitting data between computers by striking designated keys. We discuss how IPoXP inverts the traditional mode of human-computer interaction, with a computer using the human as an interface to communicate with another computer Read more
This was my final project for an Information Studies class I took back in 2006 at UT-Austin. Our assignment was to transform information from one form to another, and I chose to perform this analysis of Deleuze and Guattari’s A Thousand Plateaus. I scanned and OCRed the entire book and did a visual frequency representation of certain words. Read more